Facial Tips for Models, Actresses and other public figures.

by Valentina MedSpa on Saturday, February 19, 2011 at 10:25am
H2O very important!
Valentina recommends you consume at least 60 ounces of water.  Water genuinely detoxes your body and prevents breakouts.  Without proper hydration, toxins build up and prevent your body from functioning properly.  This includes the ugly bumps and discolorations on your face. She guarantees you should also feel a physical difference in energy should you follow this advice.

Pulling your hair back away from your face when sleeping and changing your pillowcase as often as every three days minimizes dirt or bacteria from seeping into your pores.  The hair and pillow cases can really attract a fair amount of muck and other skin irritators that you want keep away from your face as much as possible.

If you happen to be affected by a breakout, your best bet is to apply a product such as Clearasil and LEAVE IT ALONE. Don't touch or puncture/pop without consulting a dermatologist. It will increase the risks of bacterial infection and cause scarring.

Avoid Caffeine for Glowing Skin:
When you’re keeping a hectic schedule, many of us depend on coffee or a diet coke to keep us going- try to avoid it. It robs your skin of moisture and can cause your complexion to look flat and matted instead of fresh and healthy.  Try Acai, a berry from Brazil/or Acai drink  It contains high antioxidants, which is amazing for the skin and also contains anti-aging agents.

Daily Supplemen:
Omega 3 (aka fish oil). Adding this to your diet will help replenish natural oils in your skin and boost your skin cell generation process in the right direction. Creams, products and treatments only help maintain and can correct skin problems.  Focusing on the skin cellular regeneration process and monitoring what you introduce into your digestion is really the key to a fabulous face.

For further skincare information or consultations please contact us @ Valentina MedSpa 323.660.1010
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