WAYNE ROONEY told us loves our HAIR STYLES

Chums ... twins and Rooney team up for hotel snap

WAYNE ROONEY has brushed shoulders with the biggest names in sport and showbiz - BECKS, MICHAEL JORDAN, P DIDDY and 50 CENT.

But according to chart gimps JEDWARD the Manchester United hero is no snob when it comes to admiration of pop stars.

The X Factor twins told me the England striker with the thinning thatch said he was a huge fan - and particularly fond of their daft quiffs.


As The Sun told yesterday, Wayne had a night out with John and Edward Grimes - and offered the use of his box at Old Trafford - after bumping into them at a smart London hotel on Sunday.

And John told me: "We were walking out of the foyer and heard somebody shout, 'Hey Jedward'.

"We turned round and it was Wayne.

"He asked us to hang out with him - he said our hair was cool."


Lately, Kate Gosselin‘s hair has experienced as many ups and downs as the reality show star herself. This week, the 34-year-old mother of eight stepped out with a cropped bob — a stark contrast to the shoulder-length extensions she’d been sporting courtesy of her 20-hour makeover from celebrity hairstylist Ted Gibson back in early January. But while rehearsing for her upcoming spin as a contestant on Dancing With the Stars, Gosselin stopped in for a visit to stylist Gibson for a new cropped do. But, she’ll go long again soon enough with another set of extensions for DWTS — nothing looks better during a sexy samba than long, flowing locks. Find out about Kate’s views on winning DWTS and more about her new life in this week’s issue of PEOPLE

Women Hair Styles

Latest Celebrity Trends in 2010 Haircuts

Popular Hairstyles Trends in 2010

Short haircut is one of the latest trends this 2010 for women. The retro is also back for 2010 as it is inspired by the mob bobs of 1960s. The shaggy pixie and inverted bob is also a hot look for the year. The bob haircuts for the year have become more structured since it is showcased with shorter bangs. Braid hairstyles will continue to rise in 2010 especially if the woman has a really long hair. Its two distinctions are the fish plait and the long side braid. Other latest trends in 2010 haircuts for women are long waved hair, androgynous slicked hair, chignon, medium curly hairstyles, and the sleek top knots

Happy 21st Birthday Daniel Radcliffe!

Birthday party in St.Petersburg, Russia

Remember This? Young harry Potter

Jennifer Love Hewitt Has A New Man – Alex Beh (Photos)--Backseat Cuddler

Jennifer Love Hewitt Has A New Man – Alex Beh (Photos)--Backseat Cuddler

New Michael Jackson Album Out in November | Allie Is Wired

New Michael Jackson Album Out in November | Allie Is Wired

Selena Gomez is Ready to Launch New Clothing Line

Selena Gomez is going to launch her new Dream Out Loud line this weekend. The line will be available in Kmart store this Sunday. The Chief Marketing Officer of Dream Out Loud, Robin Creen, told the press,

Jung Yong Hwa and Seohyun take their driving test

Last week on We Got Married, YongSeo (Jung Yong Hwa and Seohyun) fans were left in anticipation for the couple’s driving test results.
Well, the results aren’t looking so good.
Last week, both of them had cleared their writing component of the driving test and looked in command when they went for their practical driving lessons.
On this week’s episode, the cute couple took their driving license test and sadly, both failed. In Jung Yong Hwa’s case, he failed at the last parallel parking course and did not finish in time, resulting in a lower score than expected. Seohyun, on the other hand, seemed to be doing fine until she ran over a curb on the corner of her course. Both seemed very flustered.
Jung Yong Hwa stated, “It was very embarrassing. I was supposed to look cool when I came back…The moment I saw Hyun’s expression, I missed my wife.”
Seohyun also stated, “I feel better that we both failed…From now on, I will not be egotistical.”
Keep your heads up guys! You’ll have another shot!

Prisa plays Andy Mckee "Drifting"

Selena Gomez To Bieber: "You're Short. Embrace It." - Socialite Life

Selena Gomez To Bieber: "You're Short. Embrace It." - Socialite Life

Gwen Stefani Is Back In The Studio & More! [Celebrity Twitterverse]

Gwen Stefani Is Back In The Studio & More! [Celebrity Twitterverse]

Katy Perry hadiahi pacarnya Wisata ke Luar Angkasa

Katy Perry Sending Russell Brand to Outer Space - E! Online

JADWAL PUTAR-Bioskop Blitzmegaplex - The Largest Cinema in Indonesia

Bioskop Blitzmegaplex - The Largest Cinema in Indonesia

detik Finance : Benarkah Rp 1.000 Jadi Rp 1?

detik Finance : Benarkah Rp 1.000 Jadi Rp 1?

The Black Eyed Peas perform in Central Park for Good Morning America.(30/07/2010)

Jessica Alba is vacationing in Provence, France (30/7/2010)

Jessica Biel Looks Georgeous

jessice Biel at the A-Team premiere in Berlin, Germany (30/7/2010)

T.I. Now Living the Married Life

T.I. Now Living the Married Life

Mahasiswa Indonesia Juara Kompetisi Tekno Pangan Internasional

NEW YORK--MI: Mahasiswa-mahasiswa Indonesia berjaya di kompetisi teknologi pangan internasional di Chicago, Amerika Serikat, dengan tampil sebagai juara I, II dan III dalam acara "10th Institute of Food Techonologists (IFT) Annual Meeting and Food Expo" yang berlangsung pada 17-20 Juli kemarin.

Menurut keterangan dari Konsulat Jenderal RI di Chicago, Kamis, para mahasiswa dari Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) melalui tim "Crantz" dinobatkan sebagai Juara I dan tim "Zuper T" sebagai juara II; sementara para mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya-Malang melalui tim "Arrice" muncul sebagai juara III.

Ketiga tim Indonesia berhasil meraih kejuaraan setelah lolos dalam seleksi babak final pada bulan Mei 2010 lalu untuk kompetisi teknologi pangan internasional kategori negara berkembang.

Pada babak tersebut, mereka menyisihkan 30 tim lainnya yang berasal dari Malaysia, Afrika Selatan dan Indonesia.

Saat kompetisi berlangsung di gedung McCormick Place --yang merupakan pusat pameran terbesar dan terkemuka di Chicago dan Midwest AS-- Tim Crantz yang terdiri dari empat mahasiswa IPB, yaitu Saffiera Karleen, Margaret Octavia, Stefanus, dan Agus Danang Wibowo, menyampaikan karya ilmiah hasil penemuan mereka mengenai makanan sarapan cereal "crantz".

"Crantz", yang terbuat dari singkong, kedelai, dan pisang, mengandung protein dan energi yang tinggi dan dibuat sebagai upaya untuk mengatasi masalah kekurangan energi protein pada anak-anak Indonesia, khususnya di wilayah NTT.

Penemuan tersebut dituangkan dalam karya ilmiah mereka berjudul "Healthy cassava flakes (crantz flakes) from the best local resources with high protein and energy for the bright future children in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia" .

Juara II, Tim "Zuper T" yang terdiri dari lima mahasiswa IPB, yaitu Zulfahnur, Henni Septiana, Laras Aryandini, Helena Widyasitoresmi, dan Eri Suhesti mempresentasikan hasil penemuan mereka berupa `puff cereal` yang terbuat dari tempe, pisang, dan jagung sebagai makanan jajanan yang sehat dan terjangkau harganya.

Melalui karya ilmiah berjudul "High protein triple mix puffed cereal based on tempe, corn, and banana to produce safe snack food for school-aged children in Indonesia", mereka memperkenalkan `puff cereal` sebagai jajanan sehat pengganti jajanan sekolah yang mengandung bahan-bahan pengawet dan pewarna berbahaya.

Pembimbing Tim Crants dan Zuper T terdiri dari beberapa dosen IPB, yaitu Dr Dahrul Syah, Prof Purwiyatno Hariyadi, dan Dr Ratih Dewanti Hariyadi dan Dr Eko Purnomo, dan Dr Feri Kusnandar.

Sementara itu, Tim Arrice yang meraih juara ke III, terdiri dari tiga mahasiwa Universitas Brawijaya, fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, yaitu Anugerah, Fathy, dan Daniel, menyampaikan hasil penemuan berjudul "Fighting for malnutrition in Indonesia by artificial rice based on cassava, and arrow-root with addition cowpea".

Hasil penemuan mereka itu berupa beras tiruan sebagai pengganti beras yang berasal dari padi --yang merupakan makanan pokok utama masyarakat Indonesia.

Beras tiruan tersebut dibuat dari singkong, garut dan kacang tunggak yang kandungan protein dan mineralnya lebih tinggi dibanding dengan beras dari padi.

Beras tiruan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pengganti beras untuk mengatasi kekurangan nutrisi.

Tim Arrice mendapat bimbingan dari dosen mereka, yaitu Wenny Bekti Sunarharum.

Penghargaan untuk kemenangan ketiga tim mahasiswa Indonesia itu diserahkan dalam acara khusus yang berlangsung di Grand Ball Room Hotel Hilton, Chicago, yang dihadiri oleh sekitar 1.000 orang, termasuk Konsul Penerangan, Sosial dan Budaya KJRI Chicago, Sylvia Shirley Malinton dan Konsul Muda, Redo Ferdiansyah.

Dalam acara penerimaan penghargaan, para mahasiswa dari ketiga tim itu mengenakan pakaian tradisional Indonesia. Bagi Tim IPB, keikutsertaan merupakan yang ke dua kali. (Ant/OL-9)

sumber: http://www.mediaindonesia.com/read/2010/07/22/157232/45/7/Mahasiswa-Indonesia-Juara-Kompetisi-Tekno-Pangan-Internasional

BoA and Rino practicing for comeback stage!

Member of the Beat Freaks and The Geminiz, Rino Nakasone has been garnering quite a lot of attention lately for her work with SM Entertainment artists. Just several days ago, her performance of Super Junior’s No Other attracted many video hits from netizens. But that’s not the end of her. She recently made another appearance with yet another SME artist–BoA!
Earlier today, BoA tweeted, “I’m practicing hard for my first comeback performance^^ But, Rino unni and I are wearing the same outfit while dancing^^.” Along with the tweet, BoA posted a picture of herself with the amazing choreographer Rino Nakasone making cute poses at the camera.
In response to this update, fans have said, “BoA unni, you’re really pretty and cute”, “Hurry up and make your comeback”, and “So Rino is involved too? Now, I’m really awaiting your comeback. Practice fighting!”
I’m personally a huge fan of Rino Nakasone so I’m stoked to see what BoA has to offer on her comeback stage! Are you just as excited as well?

Dina Lohan: Lindsay "Doesn't Even Have a Pillow" in Prison

Lindsay Lohan is not getting any VIP treatment in prison -- so says her mother, Dina.
Dina -- who visited Lindsay with younger daughter Ali and Lindsay's ex Samanthan Ronson on Thursday -- slammed reports that the 24-year-old actress is enjoying any perks behind bars.
"She doesn't have cell phone privileges, that's absurd," Dina, 47, told Radaronline. "She doesn't even have a pillow to sleep on."

sumber: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebritynews/news/dina-lohan-lindsay-doesnt-even-have-a-pillow-in-prison-2010297

Gray-Haired Matt LeBlanc: "I Dyed My Hair the Whole Time on Friends"

Joey's gone gray!
Six years after the finale of Friends -- and four after spinoff Joey ended -- fans might be shocked to see Matt LeBlanc, now 43, sporting silver hair.
But LeBlanc has a big secret bottled up. "I dyed my hair the whole time on Friends," he admitted Thursday at a Television Critics' Panel in Beverly Hills for his new Showtime series Episodes.

Katie Holmes: Louboutin Lovely

Katie Holmes was spotted rushing off to a local office building on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, California on Thursday afternoon (July 29).
Wearing a white blouse, olive green jacket, jeans with cuffs and a pair of Christian Louboutin heels

Kim Kardashian's Relaxing Work-Free Day

Kim Kardashian was spotted arriving at the Nail Design Salon for a little pampering in Los Angeles on Thursday (July 29).

Nicole Scherzinger: Rehearsing for Rent Stage Show

Nicole Scherzinger was spotted working on the Los Angeles production of Rent in Hollywood, California on Thursday (July, 29).

Gado-Gado Indonesia Juara di Napoli, Italia

Penyerahan Penghargaan
 Napoli - Menu gado-gado komplit racikan jurumasak Indonesia Paula Astrid Unu dinobatkan sebagai Juara I kategori tampilan sajian pada Liotorale Flegreo Nel Mondo (Lomba Masak Internasional) 2010 di Napoli, Italia, Rabu (28/7/2010).

Untuk Juara I kategori rasa diraih jurumasak Italia Francesco Carannante dengan Gnocchi sebagai menu andalan. Sementara Juara I teknik pengeloaan makanan direbut jurumasak Bulgaria Andon Andonov dengan menyajikan kebab kambing.

Litorale Flegreo Nel Mondo yang tahun ini merupakan edisi ke-6 diikuti peserta dari Albania, Amerika Serikat, Belarusia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, India, Indonesia, Italia, Kroasia, Maroko, Meksiko, Mesir, dan Tunisia.

Penilaian kepiawaian di bidang gastronomi itu dilakukan dua kali yakni pertama pada sesi pagi oleh dewan juri dipimpin Ketua Asosiasi Jurumasak wilayah Campagnia, Italia, Gaetano Riccio.

"Aspek yang dinilai mencakup proses pembuatan makanan dari berbagai negara peserta mulai dari rasa, teknik dan tampilannya," tutur Konselor Pensosbud KBRI Roma Musurifun Lajawa kepada detikcom.

Adapun penilaian kedua dilakukan pada sesi malam oleh sedikitnya 300 tamu undangan, yang memberikan penilaian melalui voting sambil menikmati makanan eksotis dari berbagai negara peserta dalam suasana santai dan akrab.

Sebelumnya pada 13/7/2010 Indonesia melalui Dubes RI untuk Italia Mohamad Oemar juga telah memperoleh penghargaan Litorale Flegreo Nel Mondo 2010 untuk partisipan loyal. Penghargaan disampaikan pada resepsi yang dihadiri kalangan diplomatik, pejabat pemerintah dan dunia usaha di Napoli.

Indonesia telah berpartisipasi pada lomba masak internasional di Napoli ini selama lima tahun berturut-turut dengan catatan prestasi berhasil meraih Juara II dan Juara I pada 2008 dan 2009.

"Keikutsertaan para jurumasak Indonesia pada lomba masak ini mendapat dukungan KBRI Roma," demikian Musurifun.


Rookie group 20star to debut in August

As if 13 members in a band weren’t enough, it seems like we now have a new band with approximately 17 members!
Under TGN Entertainment, a new boy band will emerge with the name 20star. With 17 or so members (the numbers have been wavering from source to source), we know that this will be the biggest idol group in Korean pop to date! The members include A-Run, who has been dubbed the leader of this band, as well as Xeno, Ricky, Dongkyu, Daeyoung, Luie, Dowon, Jaeyoon, Seungtae, Hongmin (Min), Ryan, Shinsong, Shiho, Sangmin, and Hwan.  The year of birth for the listed members range from 1989 to 1994, with A-Run being the oldest and Xeno the youngest.
Although only 15 members have been named, there are supposedly more members that will be added to this band. In addition, it has been reported that a member by the name of Noh Taepoong has already withdrawn from the group.
Though there is not yet much known about this rookie group, it has been rumored that they will debut sometime in August.
Stay tuned to AllKPop as we bring you more updates on this new and exciting band! Until then, check out some of their pre-debut clips below!
Sangmin Dancing to MBLAQ’s Oh Yeah:

Kanye West Joins Twitter, Raps for Facebook

Kanye West is now on Twitter, and if you've read his blog, don't worry -- the ALL CAPS style is nowhere to be seen. Even better news is that he's already dishing scoops on his feed, telling fans his forthcoming album will no longer be called 'Good Ass Job' as once expected. "I'm bouncing a couple of titles around now," the 33-year-old rapper tweeted.

Within hours of his first tweet, West had racked up nearly 40,000 followers. He started out the day with some grammatically fast-and-loose tweets -- "
Up early in the morning taking meetings in Silicone Valley" and a quick correction, "Lol I spelled Silicon wrong ( I guess I was still thinking about the other type of silicone ITS A PROCESS!! : )."

Read on to see Kanye's visit to Facebook HQ in Palo Alto, where he performed new raps a cappella on ... a conference table?

Stephanie Pratt was spotted with a new man in Hollywood last night

Madonna: Ready to Film in the French Riviera

Madonna was spotted making her way around Villefranche-sur-Mer, France on Wednesday (July 28).

Ashley Greene: Fit & Fabulous

Ashley Greene was spotted out at a local gym in Los Angeles, California on Wednesday (July 28).

KARA Mister(Japanese Ver)

KARA unleashes MV for Japanese version of Mister!

Ahead of 4minute and KARA’s upcoming battle in Japan, the 5 talented ladies of KARA finally released their music video for popular booty shaking song Mister in Japanese.

Mahasiswa Indonesia Raih Prestasi Internasional Bidang Pangan

Malang (ANTARA News) - Sejumlah mahasiswa Indonesia, tiga di antaranya berasal dari Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya (FTP-UB) Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, berhasil meraih prestasi internasional di bidang pangan.

Humas UB Malang, Pranatalia Pratami Nugraheni, dikonfirmasi, Kamis mengatakan, keberhasilan meraih juara satu, dua dan tiga kompetisi teknologi pangan internasional yang digelar di Chicago, AS dalam acara 10 tahun Institute of Food Technologists (IFS) "Annual Meeting and Food Expo" yang berlangsung 17-20 Juli 2010.

Perwakilan Indonesia, terdiri dari mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) yang tergabung dalam tim "Crantz" dan tim "Zuper T" berhasil menyabet juara juara I dan II serta mahasiswa UB Malang dengan tim "Arrice" berhasil merebut juara III.

Dikatakan Lia, panggilan akrab Pranatalia Pratami Nugraheni, mahasiswa UB yang meraih juara tiga adalah, Anugerah Dany P dari Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian angkatan 2008, Fathy F Bahanan dari Jurusan Teknik Pertanian angkatan 2007 serta Danial Fatchur R dari Jurusan Teknik Pertanian angkatan 2007.

Ia menjelaskan, kompetisi itu mengambil tema "Provide Sustainable, Nutritional and Affordable Food for Family with Small Children" yang mempertandingkan studi penelitian pertanian.

Ketiga Mahasiswa UB itu, mempresentasikan hasil penelitiannya yang berjudul "Fighting For Malnutrition in Indonesia By Production of Artificial Rice Based on Arrow Root and Cassava With Addition of Cowpea".

Dalam penelitian itu, ketiga Mahasiswa UB membuat beras tiruan dari umbi-umbian dan kacang-kacangan, sebab dalam makalah yang dipresentasikan sebelumnya dijelaskan tidak semua umbi-umbian dan kacang-kacangan bisa dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan beras tiruan.

Karena itu, mereka menggunakan kacang tunggak sementara untuk umbi yakni memakai umbi garut dan singkong. "Dengan inisiatif tersebut, ketiganya berhasil menyabet gelar ketiga dalam kompetisi itu," paparnya.

Sementara itu, sebagai perwakilan UB, Lia menyampaikan bahwa seluruh civitas akademika UB merasa bangga dengan gelar yang diraih mahasiswa UB di ajang internasional itu.

Untuk itu, pihak manajemen UB akan memberikan penghargaan berupa pembebasan biaya SPP sepanjang kulian di UB. "Itu biasanya penghargaan yang diberikan terhadap mahasiswa kami yang berprestasi internasional, sebab ketiga mahasiswa itu sudah membawa harum nama baik UB dan Bangsa Indonesia," katanya.


[New WR] Multiple Blinfolded at Jakarta Open 2010

Indonesia Pemegang Rekor RUBIK Dunia

wow. ternyata pemegang rekor salah satu kategori rubik berasal dari Indonesia. rekor tersebut dipecahkan di Jakarta Open 2010. Muhammad Iril Khairul Anam adalah pemegang rekor tersebut.
Muhammad Iril Khairul Anam

Semakin bangga aja menjadi orang Indonesia :)


SALT-Angelina Jolie

Agen CIA Evelyn Salt (Angelina Jolie) mencoba membersihkan namanya saat ia dituduh sebagai pembelot dan merupakan bagian dari agen mata-mata KGB yang ditugaskan untuk membunuh presiden Amerika Serikat.

Jadwal 21 Cineplex klik disini

Killers-Ashton kutcher & Katherine Heigl

Berusaha tegar setelah putus cinta, Jen Kornfeldt (Katherine Heigl) yakin bahwa ia tidak akan pernah jatuh cinta lagi. Namun ketika ia bergabung dengan orang tuanya dalam perjalanan ke Cote d'Azur, Jen bertemu pria impiannya, Spencer Aimes (Ashton Kutcher) yang gagah dan tampan. Tiga tahun kemudian, keinginan yang tak terbayangkan olehnya menjadi kenyataan: ia dan Spencer menjadi sepasang pengantin baru, tinggal di pinggiran kota yang sempurna – hingga suatu pagi setelah perayaan ulang tahun Spencer yang ke-30

Ternyata Spencer tidak memberitahu Jen bahwa ia pernah menjadi mata-mata internasional, dan dunia Jen pun berubah. Menyadari suaminya adalah pembunuh bayaran, Jen bertekad menemukan rahasia lain yang mungkin masih disembunyikan oleh Spencer

.....dan Anda mengira hidup di pinggiran kota itu mudah

Jadwal 21 Cineplex klik disini

Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green were spotted all over the Los Angeles area on Tuesday (July 27)

Ashley Greene: apartment hunting

Ashley Greene was spotted meeting a realtor in Hollywood, California on Tuesday (July 27).
Dressed casually in a plaid buttondown shirt with slim jeans and black flats, the "Eclipse" cutie carefully inspected a luxury apartment building unit before continuing along with the day.

Justin Bieber almost gets trampled-Glendale AZ July 25, 2010

Zac Effron di JFK Airport

Finished up with his work in the Big Apple, Zac Efron was looking snazzy as he was dropped off at JFK Airport in New York City on Tuesday (July 27).
Donning a denim buttondown shirt with a black tie, the sophisticated "17 Again" star happened to be making his way back to Los Angeles after hitting the talk show circuit for his upcoming movie, "Charlie St. Cloud".


Snoop Dog di San Diego Sea World

Angelina Jolie di Comic Con

Kirsten Dunst Press Conference di Swedia

SOS karang gigi
press conference di Swedia untuk peran barunya di film Melancholia dari sutradara Lars von Trier. Lokasi shooting berada di  Trollhattan,Swedia, bersama aktor Kiefer Sutherland, Kirsten Dunst, Stellan dan Alexander Skaarsgard:

Lindsay Lohan's Jail time

Her latest photo from prison

나인뮤지스 세라 오디션영상 / Nine Muses Sera Audition Video

Nine Muses leader Ryu Sera reveals audition video

Ahead of the August debut for upcoming 9-member girl group Nine Muses, Star Empire Entertainment has released an audition video of its leader, Sera.
The video which was released through the fancafe of Nine Muses recently shows Sera singing to Stacie Oricco’s Stuck during her audition for Star Empire when she returned to Korea from Canada back in 2008.


Finally ,Miss A said "Say A" is their fan club name!

miss A announces their official fanclub name

It has barely been a month since the miss A girls debuted with their song, Bad Girl Good Girl but their popularity has been soaring with each passing day and now they have announced the name for their official fanclub.

Event Terrant di Ekalokasari Bogor

selengkapnya di www.terrantbooks.com

Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dogg - California Girls ( Official Music Video ) HD

Taylor Swift Rumored Dating Music Video Co-Star Toby Hemingway

See larger image
has reportedly landed her heart on British actor Toby Hemingway, who will be seen appearing on her upcoming video "A Rose to the Fallen". Hollywood Life reported that the alleged lovers have been "definitely on a date."

Taylor and Toby were spotted out together at LuLu's Cafe in Los Angeles on Friday, July 16. One restaurant patron told the site, "This was without a doubt a date, they were very happy and laughing with each other the entire time. It was very cute to see her in such a good mood."

The restaurant patron continued, "There were moments when [Taylor and Toby] playfully touched each other. They didn't once stop talking and never once checked their phones for texts or calls, they were interested in each other."

A second witness additionally told the site that Toby knew how to treat his lady, claiming "He was a gentleman and got her chair and also helped her out of it. The restaurant was busy, but they weren't bothered. They seemed to appreciate the fact that they could just be ignored."

Fueling rumor that Taylor and Toby are indeed romantically involved, a source told Zack Taylor, "They met on the set of her music video and instantly connected. They both don't want to rush into anything too serious, so are taking it slow."

When reached for a comment by Hollywood Life, a rep for Taylor simply answered, "I'm sorry, but we do not comment on our clients' personal lives," while Toby's rep refused to respond on the report. However, if the rumor is true, Taylor and Toby have several things to patch up. Beside their 7 years age gap, Toby is reportedly still dating 19-year old former "" starlet .

Bridesmaid Hairstyle for All the Bridesmaids

Bridesmaid Hairstyle for All the Bridesmaids

It will soon be your wedding day and you have decided on your bridesmaids, their dresses and their shoes, but what about their hair style? You probably have thought a lot about your hair style but perhaps not your bridesmaidshair style.
You certainly don’t want to dictate a hairstyle to your bridesmaids. That is not a good idea. However you could make some suggestions that they certainly will give some thought to. If all of your bridesmaids have about the same length hair, and this is a possibility, then you could suggest they all wear an up do or a down do. Or even a combination of both.
But it is more likely that your bridesmaids will all have different hair lengths. If that is the case, then you really can’t have them all wear a similar hair style. But you do want them to all have a similar appearance so you could have them wear matching sparkly hair clips or flowers caught up in their hair. You don’t want them to have to be worrying whether their hair is going to fall down or that pins will come flying out of it. So try to keep their hair style simple. If they are wearing it up, make sure they have used lots of hair spray so it is a controlled hair style.
Ideally you want them to look pretty and not clash with you. It is your special wedding day and they are all happy for you.

Mischa Barton Quits Drinking

is kicking off her career comeback with a healthy new lifestyle - she has quit drinking. The former "" star admitted to hitting "rock bottom" when she was placed on involuntary psychiatric hold last summer, July 2009, following the cancellation of her TV series "".

The meltdown, which Barton blamed on botched dental surgery, came two years after she was charged with driving under the influence, stemming from a December 2007 arrest in Los Angeles. But the actress is determined to turn her career around and clean up her act and she's starting her health kick by giving up booze.

She says, "I'm being healthy and working hard. I have had lots of offers coming in and as well as reading through scripts, I'm also designing my own range of bags. I love England and I've been desperate to get here to see my friends and my boyfriend, but it's been hard with the stuff going on in the States. I'm avoiding drinking, which is a shame as there's nothing better than a glass of delicious English Pimm's."

Lindsay Lohan Has Made Friends in Jail

© FayesVision/WENN has been moved to solitary confinement in jail - because her fellow inmates are sick of her wailing, according to a newly-released convict. Cheryl Presser claims the actress is really struggling with life behind bars and can't stand the taunts from inmates who share the same area of Lynwood Correctional Facility in California.

The former inmate tells PerezHilton.com that prisoners chant Lohan's 'firecrotch' nickname as the "" star tries to get to sleep and those in the cells closest to her can hear her sobbing. Presser says, "Lindsay would lie there shivering all night, crying and covering her face with her hands. Her wailing was keeping everyone awake... She had a hysterical fit, crying and yelling, so she got put in isolation."

But it's not all bleak news behind bars for Lohan - her lawyer insists the actress has made friends in jail. Shawn Chapman Holley says, "She has made friends and the deputies have treated her respectfully (and she them)."

Lohan surrendered to authorities and began her 90-day jail stint last week. Her time has already been cut short and she is expected to be released at the beginning of August. The actress was jailed after violating probation stemming from a 2007 DUI arrest.

Christina Applegate to Launch Cancer Charity in September

Cancer survivor is launching a charity to help at-risk women who can't afford the proper preventative care. The Anchorman star will launch Right Action For Women in September this year and hopes the project will aid women get any cancer detected early.

She tells WENN, "It's a program giving financial aid to high-risk women who can't afford to get MRIs, which is how I found my cancer. It's unfortunate that insurance companies (in America) don't cover the cost of that. It's such an incredible device because you can find it at an early detection stage. We started our pilot program and started helping women already, even though we aren't launched."

"The other aspect of the programme is to do genetic counselling and help women understand what being high-risk means, and understanding what foods are good for their bloods and how to prevent this disease from happening. That has been my mission."

It's a happy time for Applegate - as well as launching the new charity drive, she also has new films coming out and recently announced she is expecting her first child.


Boxer's new strategy: Go after the 'bad hair' vote

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Sen. Barbara Boxer thinks she might have a winning strategy: Go after the "bad hair" vote.

The three-term Democratic senator was in Sacramento on Wednesday on the second day of a statewide campaign tour highlighting job creation. She told The Associated Press she felt her campaign had the proper response after her opponent, Republican Carly Fiorina, was caught June 9 on an open microphone describing the three-term senator's coif as "so yesterday."

At the time, Boxer's campaign said the senator would rather talk about jobs than her hair. On Wednesday, Boxer joked about revising that stance.

"I was thinking, what if every single person whoever had a bad hair day, male or female, voted for me? I'd win my a landslide," Boxer quipped while riding in a van on her way to a press conference at Sacramento International Airport. "So I decided I'm going after the bad hair vote."

Fiorina has said she was quoting a friend when she was caught on an open microphone back a day after winning the Republican primary. She was prepping for an interview with Sacramento's KXTV when she was recorded laughing loudly while making fun of Boxer's hairstyle.

More on California Senate Race

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Iran Won t Trade with Countries Imposing Sanctions

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Montoya grabs pole for Brickyard 400

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Hair Wigs for Women

Hair Wigs for WomenNow it’s become a fashion that every woman and girl to live young and beautiful, how matter what it might be. This is not important what you eat and how you eat, but people see that what you wear and how you wear. So this is the case in her.
Hair Wigs for Women.

Juan Pablo Montoya wins pole for NASCAR Brickyard

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Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel: Bicycle Buddies

Out for an afternoon bike ride together, Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake were spotted on the west side highway of New York City on Friday (July 23).
The “Good Luck Chuck” actress and her “Sexy Back” beau seemed to be having a wonderful time on their ride as they were smiling and laughing, even after the paparazzi caught up to them.
Ms Biel, who has always had a love for healthy living, recently admitted that - although food is like a drug to her - she keeps her diet very clean.
Jess told press, "I love food, love it. But I'm really disciplined and boring most of the time. It's so true!"
Meanwhile, filming for “Friends With Benefits” has been going strong as of late and Mr Timberlake was spotted several times this week on set with hottie co-star, Mila Kunis.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel: Bicycle Buddies

Out for an afternoon bike ride together, Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake were spotted on the west side highway of New York City on Friday (July 23).
The “Good Luck Chuck” actress and her “Sexy Back” beau seemed to be having a wonderful time on their ride as they were smiling and laughing, even after the paparazzi caught up to them.
Ms Biel, who has always had a love for healthy living, recently admitted that - although food is like a drug to her - she keeps her diet very clean.
Jess told press, "I love food, love it. But I'm really disciplined and boring most of the time. It's so true!"
Meanwhile, filming for “Friends With Benefits” has been going strong as of late and Mr Timberlake was spotted several times this week on set with hottie co-star, Mila Kunis.

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